I met Becky back in college. We were on the first ever Women’s Rugby team at Endicott College together. Legit founding members! She was good, like scary good, but also scary because… rugby. Like many former Gulls (Endi’s mascot), she stuck around our college town post grad, learning how to adult and you know… dating. One night Becky was out on a date at Barrel House, a bar in downtown Beverly, MA. This date was not going great, and the bartender (surprise, its John) witnessed it all. Talk about shooting your shot. John took the opportunity to wiggle his way into Becky’s heart, and clearly it worked! Two two moved to Portland Maine literally just a few months before I did, and will be getting married this coming October! I am so excited to shoot this wedding you guys! It is going to be a blast, you can tell in these photos what a fun loving couple they are! We started out at Independent Ice co in the Old Port, the bar when John works. Their wedding reception space is right next door! After mixing up some cocktails, and having a few glasses of champagne (from the tap!?) we headed over to Mackworth Island to finish out the day!